Faster planning and marking

How teachers set up a scheme of work

Setup takes just 40 seconds.
1. Teacher logs in using their google account
2. creates a new file (stored in your google drive)
3. enters the usernames for each student

How teachers assign a lesson

In less than a minute:
1. Teacher opens scheme of work document (right hand pane)
2. opens a shared scheme of work (left hand pane)
3. drags the topic across from left to right
4. finds the lesson you want. Edit, remove or create questions.
5. clicks Assign to assign it. This makes a web page that they can log in to.

How students answer the questions

Once the teacher has sent them a link, and their username:
1. Students log in
2. answer the questions
3. get instant feedback
4. If the student gets any questions wrong, they have to click the check answers button (stops them guessing)

How teachers can track students progress in real time

Once students have started to answer the questions, the teacher clicks the link to the live markbook
and can see the marks appear in the live markbook, updated every 30 seconds

A 6th form Physics lesson showing how the Teachometer markbook updates every 30 seconds with students' responses
See how they get a question wrong (red) then keep trying until they get it correct (green)!
Student names have been obscured.

Year 10 Physics lesson showing how the Teachometer markbook updates every 30 seconds with students' responses
Difficult questions can be easily pinpointed
Students that are struggling can also be quickly identified and supported
Student names have been obscured.

Year 12 Physics lesson showing how the Teachometer markbook updates every 30 seconds with students' responses
Difficult questions can be easily pinpointed and explained to the class
Students that are struggling can also be quickly identified and supported
Student names have been obscured.

Year 9 Physics test showing how the Teachometer markbook updates every 30 seconds with students' responses
Questions were shuffled for the test which is why the green boxes do not appear from left to right, also why the red boxes do not get corrected
Student names have been obscured.